Saturday, February 16, 2013

Harapan tinggal harapan *ayatsedihjep*

Assalam readers... Nite.. :d wee.. Kengantukan sebenarnye.. But still want to type on this thing.. Hihi
Tajuk sedih je... But nothing lah, don't have to be worried...
Hah! This year i'm on the sky of SPM guys.. Please pray for my succesment, determination and perseverance!!! Please! Please! Please! -.-"
Ok over excited... Before holiday comes, our teacher had prepared so much homework for us actually memang lah untuk mengisi masa yang tersangat lapang right.. Blups. Blups. Blups..
Imagine that ten subject homeworks i must do in only one weeks? Wow! Hebatnye ko Sya.. Hahah.. Biasela... Wekk :p
Orang tahu lah dah nak SPM kan... Ok, don't have to sigh dear pandas... Be strong, believe on what u want to believe n strongly to believe... Hehh... Ok i believe on what has choosen on me, it's Allahs' will.. Just faced and done it! Ok!
When you feel sad, mad and always want to sigh on what you have, say "astaghfirullah" 3 times! Mostly that the best! :')
Entry memang tak masuk ngan tajuk.. Oh let it be... Malas nak pikir dah.. I want my pillow now!
Assalam readers.. ^_^
=>  Syasya_Panda©

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